Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Playing Politics and Picking Battles

  Something happened today that is not a big deal, but did make me think about the power of writing and the sacrifice that writers are sometimes asked to make.

  I submitted a work of fiction (that was based on something that actually happened and used that person's name) for a symposium that I will be presenting at in a couple of weeks. This symposium is the first one at this particular venue and the staff hopes to receive funding for it in the future. The person I name in this fiction is someone who has the power to add to those funds.

  I was asked to submit something else to read at this event. To me that's no big deal. I knew when I wrote that piece that it would be controversial to some people. I knew that it would have an audience that could see it for what it is and an audience that couldn't look past the surface to see the real meaning.

  There are times in life when we have to play politics for the greater good. I don't see this as sensoring. They said they would gladly display it for others to read. There is a time to be hard headed and a time to play the game. This goes for just about any situation in life. Business, school or family. We have to pick our battles. Hopefully, in the future this thing will be big enough to stand on it's own and some young punk kid that wrote something about how Obama is the worst president since Richard Nixon will be able to read that to an audience.

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